Video: DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE or BYE, BYE in German with English subtitles (19:31)
Radio play: AUFTAUCHEN in German (9:45)
In the video DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE or BYE, BYE and the radio play AUFTAUCHEN, a radio feature on commuting works as a trigger for three friends in their 30s to share their views on the challenges of earning a living, juggling works and relationships, living precariously and keeping up mobility in rural areas.
This project is based on a research I conducted with the generous help of a few residents of the region Kirchdorf in Upper Austria, where 73% of its residents have to commute daily for several hours to their work. Accompanying them on their ways to work we discussed what it means to make ends meet in rural areas. The willingness ― which is expected especially of women in rural areas ― to coordinate several activities simultaneously in an environment that has become more mobile defines the everyday ways of the locals. Current forms of employment and the flexibilisation of living conditions are thus directly linked to developments in mobility.
Idea, concept: Nina Hoechtl
Cameras/Live-Editing: Andreas Haider
Sound: Robert Grabner
Actors: Christoph Gollner, Gisela Salcher, Hakan Yavas
Speakers: Wolfgang Höchtl, Beatrix Kramlovsky, Markus Schlögl, Andreas Schmitzer, Julya Rabinowich, Angela Wiedermann
Ways to work was developed during the Festival of Regions 2007 Fluchtwege & Sackgassen / Exits & Dead Ends where it was presented live and twice as a video projection, and the radio play AUFTAUCHEN was temporarily installed in a car parked in the village Klaus.
The video DRIVE, DRIVE, DRIVE or BYE, BYE was part of the exhibitions „entsprechen PREKÄR“, Galerie 5020, Salzburg (2010) and „Schon wieder und noch mal? – Handlungsspielräume“, curated by Sabine Winkler, Medienturm Graz (2011); the radio play AUFTAUCHEN was featured in the 6th Leipziger Hörspielsommers 2008 (D).