Installation: Sound (27:02), poster
Various sound recordings in different arenas in Mexico were edited into a fictional battle between a team of women wrestlers and a team of men wrestlers. The installation renders how the luchas (wrestling matches) minimize the distance between performers and spectators, constituting both as participants and performers of the luchas.
The sound piece is combined with a poster that appropriates the arena programs’ design and provides a partial transcription in Spanish as well as a partial translation into German and English.
EXPLOSIVO PROGRAMA DE TITANES Y TITÁNIDES was installed at following locations in order to alter their social, spatial, temporal and acoustic conditions and experience:
(1) at the Secession in the staircase to Gustav Klimt’s “Beethoven Frieze” (1902), which received approximately 80.000 visitors in 2011
(2) outdoor at the ACF London, which is located in London’s most expensive borough Kensington & Chelsea and is just around the corner of London’s most expensive property.(i)
The sound installation was part of the exhibitions “All Work No Play” curated by Eva Martischnig and Adriana Marques, ACF London (GB), (2012) and “where do we go from here?“ curated by Elisabeth Bettina Spörr, Secession, Vienna (A) (2011).
(i) The building is 815 times more expensive than the London average. Online http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/business-19571104 [accessed on September 15, 2012]