Präsentation: Estéticas críticas y descoloniales, 10. Feber, UAM-Azcapotzalco

Cartel Coloquio_ transculturalidad

Call: CON LOS OJOS Y LA LENGUA EN LA MANO: Reading and Translating Gloria Anzaldúa


Lecture Performance: Das Archiv als ein Ort politischer Konfrontation. Oder: Wie kann hier widersprochen werden?, 12. 11. 2015, 18:30h, brut (burt, die Bar)


Das Archiv als ein Ort politischer Konfrontation.
Oder: Wie kann hier widersprochen werden?

Lecture Performance
über das Archiv der VBKÖ (Vereinigung bildender Künstlerinnen Österreichs) im Französischen Saal des Künstlerhauses Wien

in Deutsch mit englischen Untertitel / in German with English subtitles

Do, 12. Nov. 2015 / 18:30

brut (burt, die Bar)
Karlsplatz 5
1010 Wien

Eintritt frei! Um Reservierung wird bis zum 11. November 2015 gebeten:

Die Lecture Performance setzt sich mit den Aktivitäten der VBKÖ von der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus bis in die 1980er Jahre auseinander: Welche Art von Ausstellungen wurden organisiert? Wer waren die Mitglieder der Vereinigung? Haben nach 1945 Diskussionen zur Rolle der VBKÖ während der Zeit des Nationalsozialismus stattgefunden? Gab es in den 1970er Jahren Kontakt mit lokalen feministischen Kunstbewegungen?
Wir befragen das Archivmaterial nach Kontinuitäten, Lücken und Widerständen und versuchen dabei herauszufinden welchen Handlungsraum die VBKÖ heute bieten könnte. Und: Wie kann eine historische Beschäftigung eine politische Intervention in der Gegenwart sein?

Gefördert aus den Mitteln von SHIFT.

“To Think with the Whole Body”, Katia Sepúlveda im Gespräch mit Nina Hoechtl, Band 17 PINK LABOR ON GOLDEN STREETS. QUEER ART PRACTICES

„The video Wish (2010) is projected on two screens and the song Black Wish by The Last Poets fills the small seminar room of the University Program of Gender Studies (PUEG) at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). All of us, participants of the seminar Del queer al cuir: desplazamiento geopolítico sur y desde las periferias / From Queer to Cuir: Geopolitical Displacement from the South and the Peripheries, organized by the poet, essayist and performer Sayak Valencia, rock our bodies to the song’s rhythm and at the end of the video we start a heated debate about gloves, white, brown, black, feminine, masculine, trans hands, fisting and post-porn. I am sitting – by chance and unknowingly – close to Katia Sepúlveda, the Chilean artist whose video has just been presented. She has been living in Germany over the last nine years. Soon enough we get to talk, I thank her for the presentation, and three years later I write her an email, asking if she would be interested in a conversation for a publication in Europe. A few hours later I find her consent in the inbox. The following exchange came about through several emails in a hybrid of German and Spanish, revisions and translations, over a period of one month from the middle of February to the middle of March 2015.“

Das ganze Gespräch ist zu lesen in:

Schriftenreihe der Akademie der bildenden Künste Wien Band 17
Hg. Christiane Erharter, Dietmar Schwärzler, Ruby Sircar, Hans Scheirl


Pink Labor on Golden Streets: Queer Art Practices is particularly concerned with combining, juxtaposing, or playing off various artistic strategies where form and politics intervene. Two artistic attitudes, often perceived as divergent, are described here: the choice of form attributed to political issues versus political stances dictating the question of form. This book sheds lighton contradictory standpoints of queer art practices, conceptions of the body, and ideas of “queer abstraction,” a term coined by Judith Jack Halberstam that raises questions to do with (visual) representations in the context of gender, sexuality, and desire.

Autor_innen: Madeleine Bernstorff, Cana Bilir-Meier, Kaucyila Brooke, Anna Daučíková, Vaginal Davis, Christiane Erharter, David J. Getsy, Jack Halberstam, Harmony Hammond, Stefan Hayn, Nanna Heidenreich, Daniel Hendrickson, Werner Hirsch, Nina Hoechtl, G. B. Jones, Jakob Lena Knebl, Michael Lucid, Ulrike Müller, Barbara Paul, Johannes Porsch, Karol Radziszewski, Raed Rafei, Roee Rosen, Hans Scheirl, Dietmar Schwärzler, Katia Sepúlveda, William J. Simmons, Ruby Sircar, Eliza Steinbock, Ginger Brooks Takahashi

Präsentation: Entreverar y torcer en grupo: prácticas investigativas, situadas y vulnerables


Text: El Teatro Maya como travestismo cultural. Una lectura performativa y descolonizadora de su arquitectura

Mein Text „El Teatro Maya como travestismo cultural. Una lectura performativa y descolonizadora de su arquitectura“ in Spanisch ist Teil von extravío #8 (2015) „Visualidades descoloniales: producciones desde América Latina„.


Lecture performance: L*S LUCHADOR*S EXÓTIC*S: Por el instante de un ¡¡¡beeesoooo!!!


Ausstellung: REBELLION, Tampere (Finland)

Meine Videoinstallation Tales of Protest. A necessity ist Teil der Ausstellung REBELLION, kuratiert von Minna Henriksson.


curated by Minna Henriksson
September 3-30, 2015
The exhibition takes place in libraries, cafés, restaurants, and other public spaces in downtown and suburban Tampere.


Nina Höchtl
Tales of protest. A necessity
Sep 3rd−30th at Hervanta library (address Insinöörinkatu 38)

Isse Karsten
“Landet som icke är” hommage to Edith Södergran
Gouche on wood and a poetry book

Unitary Urbanism” hommage to Guy Debord
Gouche on wood and a text

Sep 3rd−30th at Pispala library (address Tahmelankatu 14)

Antti Eskelinen
Ctrl + Alt + Del
Mixed media
Sep 3rd–30th at Main Library (address Pirkankatu 2)

A selection of a fanzine collection
Sep 3rd−30th at Hirvitalo (address Hirvikatu 10)

Magdaleena Jakkila
Drawing and a watercolor painting
Sep 3rd−30th at Hirvitalo (address Hirvikatu 10)

Maaria Jokimies
Eternal optimist
Acrylic painting
Sep 3rd−30th at Main Libary (address Pirkankatu 2)

Jarno Telsavaara
Sep 3rd−30th at Main Library (address Pirkankatu 2)

Filippo Zambon
Photograph and text prints
PhSep 3rd−30th at Hervanta Library (address Insinöörinkatu 38)

Juho Hänninen
Oranssi fanzine archive 1977–82
Sep 3rd−30th at Hirvitalo (address Hirvikatu 10)

Petra Bauer
One-channel video
Sep 3rd−30th at Hervanta Library (address Insinöörinkatu 38)

Kristina Norman
4-channel video
Sep 3rd−30th at Nekala library (address Lounaantie 2)

Tomi Hyttinen
Lucy#1, Mietze#1, Mietze#2
Cotton, wool
Sep 3rd−30th at Main Library (address Pirkankatu 2)

Fokus Grupa
I Sing to Pass the Time
Paper prints
Sep 3rd−30th at Pispala library (address Tahmelankatu 14)
Sep 3rd–30th at Hirvitalo (address Hirvikatu 10)
Sep 3rd–30th at Nekala Library (address Lounaantie 2)

Silja Puranen
One-channel video
Sep 3rd-30th at Tesoma library (address Kohmankaari 9)
Central Municipal Office (address Aleksis Kiven katu 14−16 C)

Nekalan Propagandakomitea (Nekala Propaganda Comittee)
Vapaa Nekala (Free Nekala)
Mixed media
Sep 3rd−30th at Frenckell square, downtown Tampere

Vastatila presents
Sep 3rd−13th at Central Municipal Office (address Aleksis Kiven katu 14−16 C)

Anni Waris
Demonstrations in Helsinki 2008–13
Sep 3rd−30th at Main Library (address Pirkankatu 2)

NÆS – Nomadic Agency/Archive of Emergent Studies
Excercise no. 4 (up in the air)
Sep 3rd–30th at public space in the center of Tampere

Sep 16th–30th Galleria Katko (address Hämeenpuisto 25)
Sanni Weckman

Oil paintings, 2014–2015
Sep 4th–30th at Restaurant 931 (address Kehräsaari B)

Joanna Lamberg
What have you done
Ink on paper, 2015
Sep 3rd–30th at Yellow House (address Vellamonkatu 1)

Heli Ström
Installation, 2015
Sep 3rd–30th at Club Vastavirta (address Pispalan valtatie 39)

Mikko Silvennoinen
Video, 2015
Sep 3rd–30th at Yellow House (address Vellamonkatu 1)

Präsentation: „Becoming Luchadores Exóticos“, ATHE, Montreal (CA)


Am Samstag, den 01. August, 2015 präsentiere ich „Becoming Luchadores Exóticos: Ephemeral Evidence and the Joy of Intervening into the Present“ at

Je me souviens – I Remember, ATHE 2015
July 30 – August 2, 2015
Montréal, Québec, Canada

Flexing Memory: Professional Wrestling’s Embodied History
August 1, 2015, 4:00:00 PM – 5:30:00 PM

Performance Studies Focus Group

This panel explores professional wrestling as an embodied archive, in which contested ideas of race, gender, nation, and class are captured and (re)performed in a repertoire of tropes, characters, and scenarios.

Session Coordinator
Eero Laine, The Graduate Center, City University of New York


Eero Laine, The Graduate Center, City University of New York
Tapes and Legends: Replaying the Professional Wrestling Archive

Broderick Chow, Brunel University of London
Muscle Memory: Re-enacting the Strongman in Pro Wrestling and fin-de-siecle Physical Culture

Nina Hoechtl, National Autonomous University of Mexico
Becoming Luchadores Exóticos: Ephemeral Evidence and the Joy of Intervening into the Present

This paper focuses on luchadores exóticos (roughly, queer wrestlers) who have been part of lucha libre (Wrestling in Mexico) since the 1940s. They have challenged a space that is generally considered to be something that is centrally about masculinity – an ovation to machismo. Accompanying my presentation is a slideshow – an archive – of images of exóticos put together by myself and drawn primarily from lucha libre magazines. This visual assembling of the appearances, outfits, acts, poses and gestures that compose the exóticos’ performances helps to ask questions around the images’ potential to outline some of the issues in examining lucha libre as a form that is embodied, oral, visual and most of all ephemeral, and last, if not most importantly, to emphasize this arena as a space where alternate modes of textuality and narrativity might emerge.

