Temporary public audio installation at the inlet structure in Langenzersdorf (AT)
Radio play in German (19:12)
In this radio play, the mermaid Ondine returns as a narrator to us. While listening to her we immerse in a collage of myths, legends and tales around the Danube; quotations from Jean Giraudouxs’ play “Ondine” (1938) and Ingeborg Bachmann’s short story “Undine geht” (1961); details about the Danube and water, also called blue gold. The resource water is a good business: In 2000, the turnover was around 400 billion U.S. dollars, representing about 40% of the annual turnover of the oil business.
Through leading the listener into the future, more precisely into the year 2089, Ondine attemps to challenge humans’ lethargy regarding the resource water.
At the inlet structure in Langenzersdorf the New Danube branches of the Danube. At high tide the inlet structure’s weirs open and the water runs into the New Danube as to prevent flooding. For pedestrians, cyclists and skaters the inlet structure also provides a connection to the Danube Island in Vienna, which are used for leisure. In 2009, this particular site was used to give people the opportunity to listen to DUNAREA, DUNAV, DUNA, DUNAJ, DONAU GEHT.
Idea, concept, text: Nina Hoechtl
Sound: Robert Grabner
Speakers: Christoph Gollner, Gisela Salcher, Annette Schönmüller, Angela Wiedermann, Naïma & friends
Interpretation of “Die Donau fließt und wieder fließt”: Maria Neckam
DUNAREA, DUNAV, DUNA, DUNAJ, DONAU GEHT was developed and presented during the Viertelfestival – Weinviertel 2009 drehmoment (A).
It was part of the competition of the 8. Leizpiger Hörspielsommer 2010, the HörNixe 2010 and the Jenaer Hörspieltagen 2010 (D).